Bra Size Calculator


Formulae To Calculating Bra Size

Breast Size = AChest Size = B

A – B = Bra Size

Calculating Breast Cup Size

  1. Measure Your Chest: Using a tape measure, work out the length of just under your breasts, where the band of a bra would usually fit. When finding out the measurement of your chest you need to round this to the nearest inch.
  2. Measure Your Breasts: Applying the exact same method as above to your breasts will then give you your answer to this. Don’t forget to round it to the closest inch.
  3. Cup Size Calculation: Once you have got these two numbers you need to subtract your chest size from your breast size, this is your bra size. Once you have calculated this you can take a look at our table below to see where you are.

Table Of Different Bra Sizes (All Countries)

List Of Different Breast Sizes (All Countries)